Rodrigo Santoro

The Blue Trail Movie mp4movies

The Blue Trail (2025)

In the name of economic recovery, the Brazilian Government created a perennial system of compulsory vertical isolation for seniors over 80 to be confined in a colony. Teca is 77 and lives in the village of Muriti, in the Amazon, when she is surprised by the announcement of the age reduction, including her age group. […]

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Noah’s Ark Movie mp4movies

Noah’s Ark (2024)

A pair of mice attempt to board Noah’s Ark: Vini, a charismatic poet with terrible stage fright, and Tito, a talented and charming guitarist. When the rains come, only one male and one female of each species is allowed on Noah’s Ark. With the help of an ingenious cockroach and fate’s good luck, Vini and […]

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